Experience Dental Thornton - Thornton

Dentures in Thornton

Modern dentures can replace several or all teeth with minimal discomfort, helping to restore the function and appearance of natural teeth, and improving chewing, speaking, and aesthetic appeal.
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Considering Dentures? Here’s What You Need to Know

Did you know that around one-quarter of adults over the age of 65 are missing all of their teeth? Dentures are a common and respectable solution to missing teeth. They are so dependable and natural-looking that you’ve probably spoken to someone with dentures and didn’t even know it. Do you think you might be a good candidate for dentures?

    To be a good candidate for this restorative treatment, you should:
  • Wish to replace several or all of your teeth
  • Not smoke or use other tobacco products
  • Have a healthy jawbone (we can help you with this!)
  • Not suffer from dry mouth
  • Be prepared to take good care of your dentures at home
  • Continue to visit the dentist for routine exams – just like with natural teeth!
How do I take care of my dentures?

Take care of your dentures with routine cleanings and examinations. Even patients with perfect prosthetics need to visit their dentist from time to time. During your visit, we will check your dentures’ fit and examine your gums, tongue, jaw, and mouth. We care about your overall oral health, not just your teeth.

    To care for your dentures at home:
  • Remove dentures overnight to let your mouth rest
  • Soak dentures in warm water with or without denture cleanser
  • Do not soak dentures with metal clasps in anything but warm water
  • When not wearing dentures, keep them in water so they don’t dry out and warp
  • DO NOT soak in hot water
  • With dentures removed, clean and massage your gums
  • If your toothbrush hurts your gums, run it under warm water or try using a finger wrapped in a clean damp cloth
  • If you have partial dentures, brush your natural teeth as usual

By following these steps, you can ensure that your dentures remain comfortable and effective, and that your oral health stays in great shape.

Cost Breakdown and Factors to Consider

In Thornton, you can expect to pay approximately $900 to $3,500+ for full or partial dentures. The cost varies widely to suit many different needs. Full-mouth dentures can range from $1,800 to $3,500 and up, while a full set of implant-supported dentures averages around $30,000 as a ballpark estimate.

    How is the cost of dentures determined? Here are some important factors:
  • Type of denture: The specific type of denture you need
  • Dental extractions or preparations: Any required extractions or preparatory work
  • X-rays: Necessary X-rays that may be required
  • Supportive implants: Whether or not you choose to get supportive implants

Every case is different, so it’s essential to speak with a dentist and have an oral exam. This allows us to evaluate your unique situation and provide various treatment options. We would be happy to provide you with a more accurate quote tailored to your needs.

Contact us today

to schedule an initial consultation & exam.

Your consultation will include an examination of everything from your teeth, gums and soft tissues to the shape and condition of your bite. Generally, we want to see how your whole mouth looks and functions. Before we plan your treatment we want to know everything about the health and aesthetic of your smile, and, most importantly, what you want to achieve so we can help you get there.

Frequently Asked Questions

Clean your dentures daily with a soft brush and denture cleaner, soak them overnight, and avoid using hot water which can warp them.

Costs vary widely depending on the type and quality of dentures. In Thornton, prices range from $900 to $3,500+ for traditional dentures and around $30,000 for implant-supported dentures.

Many dental insurance plans cover part of the cost of dentures, but coverage varies, so it’s best to check with your provider.

If you have multiple missing teeth, difficulty eating, or speaking issues due to tooth loss, a consultation with your dentist can help determine if dentures are right for you.

Dentures cannot be whitened like natural teeth. However, regular cleaning can prevent stains and keep them looking their best.

Yes, but it may take some time to adjust. Start with soft foods and gradually reintroduce harder foods as you become comfortable.

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Experience Dental Thornton - Thornton

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